Monday 10 August 2009

Island of vitality and health

The crisis has created many problems and most of the destinations all over the Adriatic are calculating their losses, but situation in Mali Losinj is quite different. The season so far was rather successful so the number of guests is 1% higher and the number of night's accommodations is 2% higher than last year.
Director of Losinj Tourist board Durdica Simicic the business politics and the results. Cooperation with private accommodation owners is very important and they are the ones who generated these favorable results. Throughout the entire year the Board organizes many courses and educational programs for apartment owners, as well as providing them with online support and internet marketing. A destination marketing campaign was also crucial in creating a good brand out of Losinj island by highlighting all that Losinj has to offer to visitors, especially the possibility of an active and healthy vacation in the island's rich nature. This approach is shared among all tourist workers on the island, so it is realistic to expect a further development of Losinj's tourist offer.

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