Monday 17 August 2009

Millionth guest on Losinj

This weekend 23,600 guests stayed on the island and it also seems that the "feragosto" will be a bit longer this year, so Italians will stay the most numerous guests at least until 20th of August.
Durdica Simicic, director of the Tourist board, explains how despite all problems one millionth guest this year came 4 days earlier than last Summer. Tourist results are not only good for the high point of the season, the increase was also registered for the first 6 months of the year. The only difference is that guests are now more concentrated in private accommodation units and camps.
When all things are considered, there are many reasons for optimism this year. Miss Simicic also highlighted, like in one of her previous interviews, that these good results are the effect of good cooperation between all tourist workers on the island.

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