Tuesday 29 September 2009

"Silver Flower of Europe" for Mali Losinj

In the British city of Cardiff an awards ceremony for the "Golden Flower of Europe" awarded by the European Association for the flowers and landscape has recently been held.
"Gold" in the category of cities was won by the Dutch city of Arnhem, while Mali Lošinj won the "silver" in the same category and thus demonstrated a high level of organization and investements which have been going on for years. Criteria for judging were the quality of life, decoration of green areas and parks, the appearance of city streets and squares and concern for tradition and history.
Croatia is the only state that is not a member of the European Union and is participating in this competition. All tourist workers from the island of Losinj and Croatian tourism representatives who were present at the award ceremony in Cardiff expressed great satisfaction with the prize which was presented to the town of Mali Lošinj.

Thursday 24 September 2009

Reconstruction of Hotel Punta

Company Jadranka hotels from Losinj is moving into the reconstruction of hotel Punta next year. Back in February of 2008 this company concluded a partnership with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, according to which the plan was to restore all the hotels and boost them to the level of 4 or 5 stars til 2012. In the first two years of the investment everything was going according to plan and hotels Aurora and Vespera were completely renovated. This year Punta was next in line, but it was decided that the beginning of work will wait until 2010. Director of Jadranka hotels Snjezana Baljak explains that the reason for this is the need to investigate the competition and design a detailed project of decorating the hotel complex. Given that much of the company's capacity had already been restored, this delay should not affect the next season's financial results.

Monday 17 August 2009

Millionth guest on Losinj

This weekend 23,600 guests stayed on the island and it also seems that the "feragosto" will be a bit longer this year, so Italians will stay the most numerous guests at least until 20th of August.
Durdica Simicic, director of the Tourist board, explains how despite all problems one millionth guest this year came 4 days earlier than last Summer. Tourist results are not only good for the high point of the season, the increase was also registered for the first 6 months of the year. The only difference is that guests are now more concentrated in private accommodation units and camps.
When all things are considered, there are many reasons for optimism this year. Miss Simicic also highlighted, like in one of her previous interviews, that these good results are the effect of good cooperation between all tourist workers on the island.

Friday 14 August 2009

Mali Losinj won a prestigious award

Mister Vinko Plestina, chairman of the board of Interstas, sent to Gari Capelli, mayor of Mali Losinj, a letter in which he congratulates him on winning a prestigious tourism award "Golden Interstas 2009" and wishes him luck on the ceremony for the "Golden flower of Europe 2009", which is held on September 25th 2009 in Cardiff.
"Golden Interstas" is in fact a reward meant to value those destinations in Croatia that know how to manage their tourist offer and thus contribute to the international reputation and promotion of Croatia. The ceremony was held under the sponsorship of Stjepan Mesic, the president of Croatia, and the Croatian parliament.

Monday 10 August 2009

Island of vitality and health

The crisis has created many problems and most of the destinations all over the Adriatic are calculating their losses, but situation in Mali Losinj is quite different. The season so far was rather successful so the number of guests is 1% higher and the number of night's accommodations is 2% higher than last year.
Director of Losinj Tourist board Durdica Simicic the business politics and the results. Cooperation with private accommodation owners is very important and they are the ones who generated these favorable results. Throughout the entire year the Board organizes many courses and educational programs for apartment owners, as well as providing them with online support and internet marketing. A destination marketing campaign was also crucial in creating a good brand out of Losinj island by highlighting all that Losinj has to offer to visitors, especially the possibility of an active and healthy vacation in the island's rich nature. This approach is shared among all tourist workers on the island, so it is realistic to expect a further development of Losinj's tourist offer.

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Long-term guests from Italy

Marisa and Gabriele Seregni are a married couple from Milan. They have been coming to Losinj since 1984 and considered it their second home, which applies to their daughter as well.
During their 25 years of arrivals they have noticed many changes on the island, but still they place the highest price on its nature and crystal clear sea. From other offer on the island they regularly visit the various museums and events, but especially enjoy the fish served in restaurants. Apart from the praise, this couple also stated some problems such as parking lots and connections with other nearby islands, but what is most disappointing is the offer of souvenirs. When they return home to Italy they often take homemade brandy and marmalade.

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Osor music nights opened

34th Osor music nights are dedicated to the founder of the festival Daniel Marusic, who passed away earlier this year.
Except from promoting the rich Croatian musical tradition, this year festival will also host some well known foreign performers.
The opening ceremony was held in the main Osor town square with concerts by klapa "Cikat", "Josip Kasman" orchestra and Losinj majorettes. Osor music nights will host about twenty concerts this year until they end on August 20th.